Chlorophyll Water, a US-based mountain spring mineral water company, has switched to 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) for its water bottles. The company adds chlorophyll to the purified water, as well as vitamins A, B12, C, and D.
The bottles incorporate CleanFlake label technology from Avery Dennison, an Ohio-based label design and manufacturing company, which helps improve the yield of high-quality, good-grade PET in the recycling process. CleanFlake technology is built on a water-based adhesive technology that reportedly separates cleanly from PET during the caustic wash stage of the recycling process. No adhesive residue remains on the plastic, meaning it can be processed into clean, high quality, recycled PET flakes.
Chlorophyll Water recently became the first bottled water in the United States to receive Clean Label Project Certification with independent, third-party testing of over 90 potential industrial environmental contaminants. The Clean Label Project aims to bring transparency to consumer product labelling and consumer product safety issues – heavy metals, pesticide residues and plasticizers, and other chemicals of concern.
"Consumers are increasingly concerned about the beverages they put into their bodies and the food they provide for themselves and their families," said Jaclyn Bowen MPH, MS food safety and quality systems engineer and executive director of Clean Label Project. "Being Clean Label Project's first bottled water in the United States to receive certification demonstrates Chlorophyll Water's commitment to ingredient quality and their purification standards."
The new rPET bottles are approved by the FDA and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).