April 25 9 a.m.: As protesters maintained a vigil outside the United Nations plastics treaty negotiating venue in Ottawa this week, one industry group was inside a nearby hotel ballroom with its own efforts to reach diplomats, an exhibition showing potential solutions to recycling and waste challenges.
The Alliance to End Plastics Waste organized a fair it called "Circularity in Action: Solutions for Change," with about 40 exhibits from companies and industry groups highlighting efforts they say can address environmental challenges.
The head of one industry trade group said the AEPW exhibition is part of larger communications efforts from plastics companies at this round of the talks, which are called meetings of the intergovernmental negotiating committee [INC].
"I think particularly compared to prior INCs, we're really communicating well," said Ross Eisenberg, the head of plastics within the American Chemistry Council. "For groups like AEPW, the fact that they wanted to come here and do this, is a great sign. It's time to be talking about those solutions." Read more about the industry lobbies and treaty negotiators