Wayne, Pa.-based Trinseo now is making two grades of Emerge-brand polycarbonate resin and one grade of Emerge-brand PC/ABS blend with those performance characteristics, officials said in a news release.
They added that the new materials have the same flame-retardant properties, as well as the resistance to heat, oil, grease and water that are related to PFAS.
"These new products maintain those critical performance attributes while addressing the growing demand and regulatory pressures to reduce the use of PFAS, especially in the consumer electronics and electrical industries," officials said.
The move comes as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is cracking down on PFAS, including announcing the first national standard for PFAS and drinking water.
The new materials will first be launched in the Asia-Pacific market. They're suitable for applications in IT equipment, electronic and electrical products, battery chargers and voltage stabilizers.
"Sustainable products are at the core of everything we do at Trinseo," Chief Technology Officer Han Hendriks said. "By leveraging our extensive knowledge and technical expertise with [post-consumer recycled] products, along with our deep insights into the consumer electronics and electrical industries, we are accelerating the development of products without the use of PFAS or halogenated additives.
"This is done in response to the market's required shift towards sustainably advantaged solutions," he added.
The new materials use PCR substrates while maintaining performance similar to that of virgin materials. Officials said the recycled content allows for waste reduction, carbon footprint reduction and recycling in the consumer electronics industry.
Trinseo posted sales of around $3.7 billion in 2023. The firm employs 3,100 worldwide and makes a wide range of engineering resins, styrenics and specialty materials.