While still a month out from NPE2024, organisers of the K show in Düsseldorf, Germany, are already gearing up for the next round of the biggest international plastics trade show of all, set to take place 8-15 Oct. 2025.
K show officials announced "one slogan and three core messages, all focusing on the key topics of K in 2025" in an April 9 news release.
Built around the slogan of "The Power of Plastics! Green — Smart — Responsible" will be messages about shaping the circular economy, embracing digitalisation and caring about people, they said.
"Plastics are an indispensable component of many industries, make a significant contribution to innovations and progress, and are essential to designing a sustainable future," organisers said.
A circular economy and Industry 4.0 have been big topics at past K shows. The third message puts an emphasis on recruiting a new generation of industry workers.
"The sector is aware of its social responsibility to protect the environment. Responsible handling of resources is in focus here. At the same time, the sector increasingly promotes young talents and creates future prospects for young professionals in the plastics and rubber industry," organisers said.
Exhibitor registration for K 2025 closes at the end of May this year.