2021 was an excellent year for Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery manufacturers, said Italian industry association Amaplast. Amaplast, which based its conclusions on data from the MECS-AMAPLAST Statistical Studies Centre combined with the ISTAT data provided by the Italian National Institute of Statistics.
According to Amaplast, the year closed with double-digit growth in production and equally encouraging results in foreign trade. Production rose 14% - to EUR 4.45 bn - over 2020, mainly due to the excellent performance in the domestic market. Domestic demand jumped 30% to EUR 2.52 bn.
Foreign sales also recorded a significant rebound (+9%), without, however, reaching the 3-billion-euro mark recorded in the years before the pandemic. Europe. Europe continues to be the most important sales market, although levels were down compared to 2020. Germany remained the top destination market last year, with growth of 9% to EUR 376 mn. Sales to North America, China and India picked up, with especially the increase seen in the latter two markets strengthening the importance of the Asian continent.