RPC Promens Consumer Nordics has developed a one-litre milk bottle made entirely from a non-oil-based bio polymer produced from sugar cane.
In what is believed to be a first in the European market, the polymer is also mixed with a special mineral filler.
This, RPC Promens said, reduces the amount of polymer required for each Modul bottle without impacting on its strength and performance, an aspect it believed would further enhance its positive environmental profile.
In its first commercial application, the new bottle has been selected by Swedish dairy company Skånemejerier for its range of non-homogenised milk.
“Sustainability is a vital consideration throughout all our operations including our packaging, where we always seek to choose a solution with minimal impact on the environment,” said Armina Nilsson, sustainability manager at Skånemejerier.
RPC Promens senior sales manager Jan Weier, said: “Certainly there has been strong growth in organic food products in recent years and this has now led to more attention being paid to how they are packed.
“By using this new material, we can offer our customers a renewable and sustainable solution.”