RecyClass has updated its recyclability evaluation protocols and design for recycling guidelines following 18 testing campaigns it commissioned in 2024.
The review primarily addresses the impact of small-size packaging, rigid rolling behaviour, and decoration in sorting.
Tests on PS packaging were conducted to study the effect of pots' wall thicknesses in the recycling process. Updates to the guidelines for flexible packaging include revisions within the laminating adhesive section and the inclusion of PVOH as limited compatible with the PE recycling stream for coloured flexible PE. Additionally, for rigid packaging, EVA is now recognised as fully compatible with HDPE recycling, and the recommendation on PO foamed liners was extended to the PP stream.
All testing was conducted via independent testing facilities according to standardised methods, as described in the evaluation protocols.
These protocols establish a harmonised methodology to test the recyclability and sortability of a specific technology or product in a determined recycling stream.
RecyClass is a Brussels-based cross-industry initiative that works to advance plastic packaging recyclability and to establish a harmonised approach towards recycled content calculation and its traceability in Europe.
Its guidelines for recycling offer insight into the compatibility of different elements of packaging, such as caps, labels or adhesives, with given recycling streams.
The guidelines are based on a traffic-light system, with green representing the preferred design features; yellow the second-best choices which are known to only slightly impact recycling; and red the featured to be avoid.