RecyClass has updated its design for recycling guidelines following testing it commissioned earlier this year.
The new version includes a restructuring of the decorations sections in order to clarify the impact of inks and labels on recycling. The guidelines now include a more precise definition of adhesives for labels on HDPE, PP, and PS rigids and updated recommendations for PO foamed liners for HDPE.
For PE Films, EVOH/metallisation and laminating adhesive combination can now be directly certified without testing, provided they follow the guidelines’ recommendations. Additionally, PP-based plastomers are now recognised as fully compatible with the PE stream if they represent up to 15 % of the total weight of the packaging.
The design for recycling recommendations for PET bottles have been refined with a better definition for clear, light blue, and coloured transparent PET bottles, together with additional guidance on PET closures.
RecyClass is a Brussels-based cross-industry initiative that works to advance plastic packaging recyclability and to establish a harmonised approach towards recycled content calculation and its traceability in Europe.
Its guidelines for recycling offer insight into the compatibility of different elements of packaging, such as caps, labels or adhesives, with given recycling streams.
The guidelines are based on a traffic-light system, with green representing the preferred design features; yellow the second-best choices which are known to only slightly impact recycling; and red the featured to be avoid.
The latest design recommendations have been integrated into the RecyClass Online Tool and the RecyClass Recyclability Certification Schemes.