Low collection rates and lack of design for recycling are amongst the reasons behind the low recycling rate of 31% for flexible polyethylene films in Europe, according to Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE).
In a paper “Flexible Polyethylene Recycling in Europe, Accelerating the Transition Towards Circular Economy,” the association said annual demand for flexible PE films stands at 9 million tonnes, making it the second biggest resin processed in the EU.
The recycling rate, however, remains low for the material due to “a number of challenges”, PRE said in the paper published in June.
The bottlenecks identified by the paper include low collection rates and low quality of input materials, lack of design for recycling as well as the need for further investment in recycling technologies.
“Plastic film waste is still perceived as a demanding and difficult stream to treat, however, we in Europe have proven that even stretch film recycling is possible,” said PRE President Ton Emans.
To recycle more PE film packaging, Emans added, the industry needs a strong commitment of the value chain to work towards making the material fully sustainable.
To increase both the quantity and the quality of the collected waste, the PRE paper recommended that harmonised collection and sorting processes at the EU level must be introduced.
PRE also suggested that specific design-for-recycling guidelines must be followed when manufacturing a product or introducing innovations on the market.
Noting advancements in recycling and sorting technologies in recent years, the paper urged for “more investments as well as research & development” to enhance the quality of recycled materials in Europe.
In addition, PRE called for “an adequate legislative framework” to support the industry and create conditions for expansion.
The association went on to say that new recycling targets set by the European Waste Package, the Plastics Strategy and the Single Use Plastics directive, can be achieved only if the main bottlenecks are addressed.
“Working towards safe, light and functional packaging while ensuring its recyclability at the end of its life is a must,” PRE concluded.