Colorado-based Eco-Products has launched a new line of biodegradable, certified compostable straws made from polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA).
The company says the straws are ‘heat resistant and durable like conventionally made straws, while still offering flexible composting options’.
BPI-certified compostable, the straws meet the ASTM D6400 standard for compostability, both industrial and at home, in the compost heap. BPI is an association that promotes the use and recovery of biodegradable materials and offers a certification for compostable products to ensure clear labelling and complete composting. In fact, all Eco-Products compostable items are BPI certified.
The PHA family is made up of over 100 different types of biopolyesters. These are produced in nature by numerous microorganisms, including through bacterial fermentation of sugars or lipids. The PHA used by Eco-Products is made from the fermentation of canola oil by microbes. Stored as an energy reserve within the bacteria, this can then be ‘harvested’ as PHA.
The new straws are offered in a variety of lengths from 5.5 to 10.25 inches and are available in individually wrapped or unwrapped options. The wrapped version is clearly marked as compostable so guests and staff know to properly dispose of it in a compost bin.
The company also makes a certified compostable ‘Sip Lid’, for those who prefer to go strawless, which comes in different sizes to fit a variety of cups.
“Businesses are increasingly looking for compostable products that perform as well as those made from conventional plastic,” said Nicole Tariku, director of Product development for Eco-Products. According to Tariku, the company's portfolio of compostable products now features more than 400 items.
At its founding, Eco-Products was initially focussed on the development of more recycled products. Today the company is a Novolex brand and certified B Corp, and manufactures disposable food serviceware and packaging based on renewably-sourced or recycled (consumer) plastics waste feedstock.