Microban, the US-based antimicrobial technology solution group, has developed a manufacturing aid specifically designed to eliminate unpleasant odours in recycled-content plastics used in the creation of outdoor gear and accessories.
The firm said its Scentry for Polymers neutralised recycled material odours during the manufacturing process, creating improved plastics before they are incorporated into consumer and commercial goods.
Recycled-content plastics have a tendency to smell due to previous product use and may carry organic materials that eventually began to have an unpleasant smell, the company added. Scentry for Polymers “is manufactured into the recycled components, attracting odours like a magnet, and absorbing them to eliminate the stink.”
Microban previously had produced Scentry for Textiles, an odour capture product platform engineered for apparel and footwear.
Lisa Owen, Microban's senior global textiles director said custom formulations were tested with manufacturers' own polymers, to ensure that Scentry did not degrade or decrease the aesthetics or function of any part of the product.
Scentry for Polymers can be used in a variety of categories including camping accessories, outdoor storage, outdoor and camping furniture, footwear, backpack frames and electronic cases.