We are back at the show for a third day that promises to be as packed and busy as the first two.
Yesterday saw an interesting diversion with the appearance of five ‘well-muscled gentlemen in swimming trunks’ walking through the halls of the show, handing out cards that read ‘The best things come unwrapped’.
The stunt, organised by Searious Business, a Netherlands-based social organisation founded by Willemijn Peeters, was aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues - and especially the pollution problem caused by plastic packaging. ‘We don’t have anything to exhibit like a large piece of machinery,” said Emma Samson, marketing communications manager for Searious Business. But the five topless men certainly generated attention from visitors to the show and exhibitors alike, ‘so we achieved the buzz we were looking for’, said Samson.
For this and more news from the show floor, check out Friday’s K Show daily here.