The Feddersen Group has obtained ISCC Plus and REDcert certification for a number of the companies in the group. Both Akro-Plastic GmbH - including its branches Af-Color and Bio-Fed - PolyComp GmbH were recently granted ISCC PLUS and REDcert² certification. At the same time, REDcert² certification was also extended to K.D. Feddersen GmbH & Co. KG.
The other companies in the group will follow soon.
ISCC Plus and REDcert² are sustainability certification systems for bio-based and recycled materials in the chemical industry, e.g. materials based on sugar cane, vegetable oil and fat waste or recycled materials. Thesestandards focus on reducing greenhouse gases throughout the value chain, sustainable land use, land use change, protection of nature and social sustainability for commodity production.
By using sustainable material flows, the company is contributing to reducing the dependence on fossil resources and promoting the bio- and circular economy, according to Sandra Brück, a specialist for life cycle assessment and sustainability at Akro-Plastic, who oversaw the certification process.
“At the same time, through the ISCC Plus and REDcert² certifications, we are aligning ourselves further towards sustainability and offering our customers an even wider range of more environmentally friendly products,” she emphasised.
The certification ensures the traceability of the sustainable material stream along the entire value chain using the mass balance approach.
Simply put, certified products are manufactured using sustainable resources to replace an equivalent amount of fossil resources in the production process. hence, certification based on mass balance principles, can facilitate a gradual increase of the use of renewable and recycled raw materials.