Beijing— After six years of development and research work, China-based biotech company Bluepha, a China-based biotech company, celebrated the launch of its first portfolio of marine degradable biopolymers at a festive 1 March event. At the event, the company presented its Bluepha PHA, together with information about its properties and applications. As well, the company discussed the production processes developed, the facilities constructed and its innovative 'Biohybrid' technology.
PHA is a natural polymer occurring in the cells of a wide range of microorganisms, where it serves as a storage of carbon and energy. Microorganisms produce PHA using biomass as fermentation feedstock. Bluepha has developed an industrial process for its mass production. The company markets its PHA under the Bluepha name, or 蓝晶™ in Chinese.
Bluepha built and commissioned its first industrial-scale production facility, called BioFAB1, in 2022 in Yancheng. With this first 5000 tonne/year unit, which is staffed by a team with international experience in biomanufacturing, a solid basis could be laid for the stable supply of PHA.
The BioFAB1 is a 'green factory’ in which use has been made of advanced technologies and approaches, such as magnetic levitation and the reuse of recycled water to minimise the energy and resources consumed. The company also announced that plans were on the table for the construction of BioFAB2. This facility will have a total production capacity of 25,000 tonnes of Bluepha resins per year.