The EuCertPlast scheme, a European wide certification scheme developed to address the problems encountered due to the different standards applied across the countries of the EU and the lack of transparency and traceability of plastic materials, continues to expand its scope.
Under the EuCertPlast certification scheme, recyclers and auditors can work towards integrating the various auditing schemes used across Europe to create a more efficient, harmonised and transparent system. Recyclers who have obtained EuCertPlast certification have demonstrated compliance with the European Standard EN 15343:2007, on which the scheme is based.
The new food contact module covers the legal and technical aspects of food contact material recycling, including processes such as PET food contact recycling, and HDPE or PP crates and pallets closed loop recycling. It incorporates the requirements that are expected to be included in the next amendment of Regulation (EC) 282/2008on recycled plastics intended to come into contact with foods, while meanwhile supporting compliance with national requirements. The new module also integrates procedures and quality management systems which guarantee food contact safety.
The new module will be implemented from 14 September in any new audit requests or yearly monitoring audits of food contact recycling processes. EuCertPlast will maintain a one-year transition period for monitoring audits to be adapted to the new audit scheme module.