For the first time, Anellotech has successfully achieved the continuous processing of solid, post-consumer plastic waste into light olefins and aromatics using its Plas-TCat technology. The waste consisted of a mixture of all major plastic types except PVC.
Plas-TCat is an emerging process technology developed to convert mixed waste plastics into commodity chemicals.
The processing trial took place at Anellotech´s TCat-8TM fully automated, 30 meter tall pilot plant near Houston, Texas. While that plant has a nameplate capacity of 0.5 tons per day, the design of Plas-TCat´s fluidized bed reactor is easily scalable, potentially enabling the realisation larger commercial production plants capable of addressing substantial global recycling goals in the future.
Plas-TCat employs single thermal catalytic reactor to convert a broad range of mixed waste plastics into chemical feedstocks - benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) as well as ethylene, propylene and butylene (light olefins) - that can be used to make virgin-quality plastics. The development of a proprietary catalyst and fluid bed reactor-regenerator system, has opened up a new, direct route to light olefins and aromatics from heterogeneous plastic waste streams—without the need for steam cracker furnaces.