Aduro Clean Technologies Inc., a Sarnia, Canada-based company that has developed and patented a water-based chemical recycling technology known as Hydrochemolytic Technology (HCT) has been accepted into the Shell GameChanger programme, the company has announced.
HCT deconstructs hard-to-recycle chain growth polymers at temperatures lower than those used in current technologies, producing sustainable naphtha cracker feedstock from polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene, individually or on a mixed basis.
While legacy technologies produce complex product mixtures that require excess investment of resources, the HCT is expected to create higher-value, saturated products, in high yield and purity using lower energy and has the ability to process higher contaminated feedstock which are currently rejected. The HCT final output may be then directly used for the production of new plastics,
The Shell GameChanger programme works with start-ups and businesses on unproven early-stage ideas that have the potential to impact the future of energy. Programme participants team are given support, expertise and seed funding, while keeping the independence to make their own decisions.
The selection procedure is a rigorous one, but once accepted into the programme the experience is a rewarding one. To support the project, Shell will contribute non-dilutive funding with the contribution payments being spread over six project phases, each phase and associated payment being contingent on meeting the objectives set for the previous phase. In addition, Shell will provide technical expertise to help Aduro develop reliable process designs and optimise the HCT technology for commercial implementation. Shell GameChanger will also mentor Aduro in developing their commercial strategy and market position.
Collaboration between start-ups and experts within Shell is one way to advance the research, development and commercialisation of new technologies that will enable the transition to a low-carbon future, explained Ed Holgate, Commercial Partner Manager, Shell GameChanger.
Aduro’s project with Shell GameChanger will commence immediately and is a 12 month, 6 phase project, starting from small scale batch reactors, moving through a continuous flow reactor and into design basis of commercial style facilities.