The rules for recycling and packaging in Europe is about to change, and there is a lot to do in a very short amount of time, Karen Laird, editor of Sustainable Plastics, says.
“We’re in 2024 now and in 2025 some important legislation starts kicking in about mandatory recycled content [in Europe]. That’s only eight months away,” she said during the April 2 Sustainable Plastics Live webinar discussion with Plastics News Editor Don Loepp. View the recording below.
“If you are going to comply with the legislation, you better start getting all your ducks in a row, otherwise there just might not be enough to go around when push comes to shove.”
Prices for recycled resins are starting to climb in Europe due to the upcoming regulations, but not fast enough for some recyclers struggling to compete, she added.
Other topics covered during the livestream included the use of artificial intelligence in recycling operations, the growth of chemical recycling, a push to cut “problematic” plastics and the need to invest in multiple methods to create a circular industry.
You can see a replay of the discussions here.